Pets in Japan

Today’s market size is an estimated size for the pet care sector in Japan. This is a measure of the market for all products and services related to household pets. In Japan, one third of this market is made up of pet food. As in the United States, the pet sector is growing strongly in Japan. However, based on a calculation of population to estimated pet dog and cat numbers, fewer than half as many Japanese households have a dog or cat as a pet as U.S. households.

Geographic reference: Japan
Year: 2009
Market size: ¥1.2 Trillion (approximately $12.96 Billion based on the exchange rate on December 31, 2009)
Source: “At ¥1.2 Trillion, Pet Sector Recession-Proof,” The Japan Times Online, October 28, 2010, available online here.
Original Source: Fuji Keisai Company

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